zac efron answers your questions

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Zac Efron ... Answers Your Questions

A record number of fans sent their burning questions to for Zac Efron, who stars in this month's comedy, 17 Again. The actor, 21, responds here – covering topics ranging from keeping that hot body to partying with his grandma.

• I read somewhere that you recently bought your first home. Has anything surprised you about homeownership?
REBECCA WOODS, Chicago, Ill.

Efron: My sprinkler broke the other day, and I spent all day trying to fix it. I just made things worse and now my whole back yard is flooded. And keeping the house clean. It's like a bigger version of the disaster formerly known as my room.

• What is your workout routine and diet?      

Efron: I like backpacking, hiking, surfing, swimming, playing tennis – things that get you active and are also fun. If I do go to the gym I usually do circuit training. If you're skinny, you should never stop eating. The problem is a lot of people mistake that for permission to eat junk food. I try not to eat anything that's packaged. Of course, I never succeed.

• First of all, I think you are insanely hot. My question is: Did you ever cause trouble when you were 17?
NICOLETTE FAVARATO, East Longmeadow, Mass.

Efron: Sure! I think I put my parents through some grief. When I was 17, I was too demanding of freedom; I wanted an unnecessarily long leash. Don't push it too hard, because you're going to need your parents in college when you're broke!

• What did you want to be when you grew up?

Efron: When I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional baseball player, or an astronaut, or be in the X Games. I thought Tony Hawk was the coolest guy alive.

• What keeps you motivated?
KRISTIE, Tallahassee, Fla.

Efron: I've always enjoyed being creative, no matter what it is. Anything that I do in life, I always want to do it well. That leads to a lot fun adventures!

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